I have this feeling of deja-vu. Yes, glitch in the matrix to be precise. Its submission time again. I try desperately to create a mid-term report out of thin air, google, and library resources in the wee-hours of the morning. I am desperately trying to create diversions for my self to avoid getting down to this work. This blog is one of them. The other is this book that I am reading. It’s pretty interesting. It’s called the brief history of everything. Its one of those over-arching books which tries to explain life the universe and everything. Personally I think 42 is just as good but not as much fun. He seemed to say the development of the self proceeds in stages. There’s nothing new in that people have been saying such things since they learned how to say things.
What he however seemed to say is that there is a definite progression and regression!
Things are not all relative. There is some forward development and there is some sort of regression. Generally things move towards “higher development” and there is a way to prove what is higher. The thing that impacted me the most was how this development could get into regression. What happens if the self is unable to break free of the current structure and go to the next level? What happens is a part of the self moves on and a part of the self stays behind. Seems too similar to Multiple Personality Disorder. Maybe that’s why Phaedrus and I liked it so much. The nice thing he says that what is true for the self is also true for societies. I found that very interesting and a possible application to myself and to my country India. Some of us here feel we are liberated and living in a liberal democratic advanced society. There’s a huge bunch that are unable to break out of their current situation and rise to this level. They live at the mercy of natural forces (Yes I am disgraced that my country’s richest city can’t handle some extra water!!) and have very little scope to develop their individual selves.
Closer to home I have finally realised that I have to reconcile my various alter ego’s or there’s going to be no more “self-development”. But which one is the developed one. Who is ahead? Neo? Morpheus? Phaedrus? Aetius? Beedi? Krishna?
Who is the real and who is the fake who has to be cured.
Phaedrus is my alter ego.
Check this out for more about phaedrus.
say hi to phaedrus
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