I'ma rainbow too
Before we start lets explain the title of the blog. It’s just a nice song by Marley and so that’s how our blog will start today.
Phaedrus: Hey what's this about our blog?
Beedi: Well it’s our blog, yours and mine.
Phaedrus: You're the loser who blogs, not me.
Beedi: That's crap but anyway let’s get on with it. Your blog/my blog/ our blog
I hadn’t been attending classes the past week. I was taking the week of from classes and life in general. I hadn’t caught up with Phaedrus that often. But of late Phaderus seemed to be toned down on his philosophical crap. I finally saw him at the mess having breakfast.
“Hey Phaedrus what’s with you going easy on the life-gyaan nowadays”
“I have been spending most of my time playing Rise of Nations/ watching movies in Chuchee’s room.” (Chuchee was one of our batch mates at the institute)
“Oh Rise of Nations, that strategy game? You’ve been playing that for a week?”
“No just a few days really, rest of the time was getting drunk and watching weird movies”
“Oh I heard even your wingies don’t see much of you. You’ve buried yourself under that game”
“My wingies, they’re an interesting lot”
This was surprising. Phaedrus usually never talked about anyone but himself.
“You know, they have no right to complain. I never get to see much of them anyway. There’s one guy who is probably single-handedly responsible for the ‘All lines in this route are busy’ messages, then there’s this drunkard who I only meet in spread sheet class. And of course there’s the singing footage hyena. The only guy I used to meet was the Darling. But anyway I should be normal now, Ive passed the test.”
“What test?”
“Whenever you encounter a new potential source of addiction, you are tested. I have passed the test. I will not be addicted to Rise of Nations”
These were brave words coming from Phaedrus. I knew Phaedrus had been addicted to games before. In fact some one who knew him Hyderabad actually told me he used to spend entire nights at his office playing some stupid game and go home the next morning.
“So what then Phaedrus? How are you going to spend your time?”
“I have decided that since I am a student I shall spend my time like a student. I will attend classes, eat and sleep. I also have a lot of reading to do. I haven’t read anything in a long time”
So that was why his philosophical gyan had stopped. He hadn’t got any new ideas from the books he hadn’t read. Just as I was hanging on the thought he started.
“I saw this really lousy movie called Anniyan”
I could just feel the gyaan in him waiting to burst out. So he was now getting his gyann from movies rather books. This was dangerous. He could really go crazy if he started believing in the movies he saw. He was a little childish in this. He would believe anything, if it sounded crazy enough.
“It was a really badly made movie, but the funda about multiple personality disorder was interesting. The guys seemed to say that the protagonist created himself multiple personalities to handle his frustration and failures. Somehow I couldn’t really think that could be a disorder. I mean we all do that. You don’t behave the same way with your mother as you do with your girlfriend”
I winced at the comparison. It had some sort of eerie Freudian undertone to it. But I agreed with his point in general. He then went on and since I agreed with him he was really thrilled and went of with Chuchee. He told me he was going to the city to get drunk.
Good stuff. Especially the Anniyan thing da. Interesting point.
We too did not meet for four days in the middle da...from Saturday to Wednesday. Had to meet on Thursday due to the SCM submission.
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