Monday, May 23, 2005

Blog on the pubbing we did yesterday Part 1

Real World, Thursday 19 Th May 2005
Statutory Warning
Since we have come to the real world most people here are real people instead of being alter egos. But then again what we perceive in others is merely a reflection of ourselves.
"Hey Neo, is that statement grammatically correct?"
"No, I don’t think so, it’s philosophical. The aim of all philosophy is to make ungrammatical statements, and another thing this is the real world so you are on your own. No more Neo, Morpheus, Phaedrus bull shit. AND NO MORE GYAN"
"But I dole out gyan in the real world too Neo. Ask Allen, or any of the B Block chaps."
"I don’t know Allen, he's a real guy. I am just your alter ego."
"How come if I know Allen then you do too."
"No, I am Neo, I only know your trinity."
"You do? Tell me about her then"
"You can’t see beyond the choices you don’t understand. And bye. You've got to write about the pubbing or parate's going to get pissed"
Ok here goes.
I was about to leave office last Thursday when Parate happened to give me a call. Parate BBA calling.
"Hi Dude."
"Hi Krishna" (Krishna is another alter ego and parate's a real person)
"How’s life"
"Life is cool man. Where's your office."
... It turned out that parate was this side of town. So he came over to my office. I met him outside at the ground floor of the building.
"HI Parate. This is Ruchika my cointern"
"HI Ruchika" Ruchika is my cointern. She’s also an engineer and also from a B school. She's in the same lousy project of the same cheap marketing company as me. Now you are immediately thinking that’s the usual clue for an alter ego, but sorry Ruchika is a real life flesh and blood girl from the northern plains.
"So Krishna you want to go pubbing"
"Yeah I’d love to. What about you Ruchika"

This blog is getting scary. Too many real people and real events and emotions. I'll make it a part 1 and write the rest after regaining my mental stability. Like all sequels it sure will suck. But then I could do the George Lucas this and make it part 2 and call the sequel part 1. George Lucas is also a REAL PERSON...


Blogger ledsuki said...

Brilliant!!!..But now I'm no longer sure if that was a 'real' compliment or not!!..

Neo, I still am trapped in the matrix, and ure job is just to rescue cut the metaphorical stuff and pass the pill.

PS: The Orace tells me that you can substitute Pills with Alcohol these days...

7:21 PM  
Blogger therealbeedi said...

call up morpheus. He'll help you out. But remember morpheus is just a figment of your imagination. Its like a dream, you have to will yourself awake. Substituting pills with alchohol is only a temperory solution. Follow the white rabbit Neo, all the way to Minnesota

10:06 PM  

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