Wednesday, March 08, 2006


It’s almost certain. It looks like I am actually going to graduate. It’s been a nice two years here. I've come a long way it seems. From only reading about Black Feminist Literature in RC passages to actually reading Black Feminist Literature.

Actually I was reading this book by Toni Morrison. Kind of feels like the Blues equivalent in literature. Well here's a quote by her " Jazz Music was not originally for anyone but its players. It was always clear what its painful sources were. And yet it does what art is supposed to do-it makes another thing possible. This is how I want my work to be- a private thing for public consumption." That last part kind of sums up my blog. A private thing for public consumption.

On to the topic of this post!!
Kind of sad, Kind of glad that its all over(I hope). I’ve felt this way twice before. First when I was graduating from High School. I never thought about it as Graduation from High School till many of my friends went to the US of A and began to call it that. There was no real ceremony. In fact this is the first time I might actually be involved in a ceremony. But anyway there were a lot of opportunities then too. People going to different places, lots of new things to do and try. Everyone was busy hunting future opportunities, while I seem to have locked in something reasonably comfortable, and was (am) chilling out. No great or stellar opportunities for me, but mediocrity handed on a platter. Well I confess it was easy then and it is easy this time as well. I lapped it up.
Just get into some engineering college and relax. Just get a coding job and play games. Just get an IT job and chill out.
Well I did it. Each time I wanted something I’ve always got it, and pretty easily too. Maybe I don’t want enough.
It’s easy to stop comparing yourself to other people, but it’s really tough to stop comparing yourself to what you might have been.
Forget it Beedi. There is no what might have been. There is only here and now.

Of course this time around as well there is also a woman. There always has to be a woman. This time around as well it’s kind of doomed. Too little too late. But then haven’t all great love stories been tragedies.

Well here’s a quote from Giorgias’ Encomium of Helen which I just fell like quoting for no particular reason
“She had godlike beauty, which taking and not mistaking, she kept. In many did she work much desire for her love, and her one body was the cause of bringing together many bodies of men thinking great thoughts for great goals, of whom some had greatness of wealth, some the glory of ancient nobility, some the vigor of personal agility, some command of acquired knowledge. And all came because of a passion which loved to conquer and a love of honor which was unconquered. Who it was and why and how he sailed away, taking her as his love, I shall not say. To tell the knowing what they know shows it is right but brings no delight.”
Beedi you’ve lost it. Go Mug for placements

Yeah I will let me just finish this part

So why is this time different?
This is the first time that I’ve realised that its happened before and its happening again. Well let’s see. This time around I’ve decided that I am going try out something new every now and then. Lets start with music, since it involves the least effort. I’ve started listening to trance. I never thought I would say this but some of that stuff is good. It’s a nice contrast to depressing blues and psychedelic rock(floyd). Maybe I should try remixing some songs from Obscured by Clouds. I am sure Waters and Gilmour would commit suicide if they hear about it, but what the hell.


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